Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Voltage Probe Antenna - Part 2

This weekend saw a family visit (wife, grown-up children, and in-laws) trekking across the Pennines to the Sunderland Air Show, and a Jolly Good Day Out was had by all.As with the Windermere Air Show we attended a couple of years ago, the only flying Avro Vulcan XH558 once again stole the show.  What a stunning aircraft, and what an...
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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

VK6DZ 5 watts Top band de MW0GOV....

Top Band WSPR from MW to VK.....Last night's Top Band report.... from Colin, MW0GOV.TimestampCallMHzSNRDriftGridPwrReporterRGridkmaz 2011-07-30 19:48  MW0GOV  1.838141  -25  0  IO71ls  5  VK6DZ  OF84ux  15174  91  2011-07-30...
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Monday, July 29, 2013

Rhos Ymryson, GW/MW-035 de MW0BBU/p.

This one is the SOTA activation that I put off from last week due to good weather allowing a visit to Foel Cwmcerwyn. Anyway left the home QTH at around 07:20 and made my way up North over the Preseli's arriving at Rhos Ymryson at around 09:00, traffic hadn't been too bad and the place is easy enough to find. Quick check of the...
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Saturday, July 27, 2013

WOW loads of WSPR MW0MJB

Last night I left WSPR running for a few hours on 20 metres...When I looked in on the results...I though WOW!!! ...loads of stations.If  I had put them all on this blog they would have taken up a lot of page space.....I decided instead to put on just half an hour of last nights WSPRing..Last nights RX:TimestampCallMHzSNRDriftGridPwrReporterRGridkmaz2013-07-26...
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Asked by a few will I be entering? Yes is simple answer. I expect will be QRV 20m and 40m,maybe 80m SSB and CW, running win-test to FT817 and 6BTV or G5RV and an SDR RX. I will have a new audio interface this year and hope to record BOTH sides of the QSO's (only managed the audio in last year!) The new workshop is 99% there whilst the shack is a bit of a dump right now until I fix that up so I might operate from the workshop......
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Friday, July 26, 2013

G-QRP Club "Summer Sizzler" de GW0LVH

The G-QRP Club will be holding its first ‘Summer Sizzler’ activation this year 27th August to 2ndSeptember 2011 (inclusive).Just like Winter Sports – no points, no rules other than to call CQ QRP (on the usual frequencies) on as many bands as you like and have QRP fun. G-QRP Club members can send logs to G3XJS by 1st October.The...
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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Portable operating from Dale GW0LVH.

Today I had a couple of hours spare to do some /P operating from Dale Airfield. Now disused... in the early 1940's the airfield was in the frontline of WW2. Aircraft based here defended the Atlantic convoys by mounting antisubmarine patrols. Today the area is uncannily quiet and the aircraft of war have given way to sheep.Parking...
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