40-900 MHz Signal Amplifier-Booster | RF Circuits

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

40-900 MHz Signal Amplifier-Booster

This is a small amplifier of signal that cover the frequencies from 40 to 900 MHz. Those frequencies include TV in VHF and UHF and also radio in the frequencies of 88 - 108 MHz, strip of FM. The signals in up to 20 dB, becoming possible to receive even the weakest signals. Below is the circuit diagram.

The circuit is built in turn of an UHF broadband transistor, BFR 90. This transistor can operate as loud as 1.6 GHz in frequencies, and it has an gain of 23 dB. The signal of the antenna is applied the input of the circuit and for C5 it is coupled to the base of the transistor. It is amplified and of the collector of BFR90, through C2 and C1 it is taken the input of RF of the radio or receiver of TV.
The circuit operates with a battery of 9V small that, because of the very low consumption of the circuit, it will last plenty of time.

Here's Printed circuit boards and component layout of the signal amplifier

Characteristic and Specifications technique for signal amplifier-booster with BFR90
  • Answers of Frequency: 40 - 900 MHz
  • Gain: 20 dB
  • Maximum level of output: 90 µV
  • Input-output impedance: 75 ohm
Signal Amplifier Circuit's Parts List
R1 = 82 Kohm
R2 = 270 ohm
R3 = 1,5 Kohm
R4 = 120 ohm
C1,C3 = 100 PF
C2 = 2.2 pF
C4,C5 = 1 nF
D1,D2 = 1N4148 diode
Transistor = BFR90, BFR91, BFR90,
Several = PCB, solder, battery 9V, metallic box, clip to battery, etc.
L1, L2=diameter: 5 mm thread diameter:0,5 mm turns: 8

See more : Stereo FM Transmitter

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