Windows free for 30 days - Day 1 | RF Circuits

Friday, May 6, 2011

Windows free for 30 days - Day 1

Day 1 of my Exam Revision Avoidance Scheme(tm). I'm still Windows-free, and not missing it much.

Been mostly watching videos and working on revision today. Ubuntu's been great for that. Whenever I try to play a video and I don't have the codec for it, it just gives me the option to search and install it - don't even have to restart the player.

On a side note, I have a Windows server running in a cupboard in my flat. It's there mainly to run BitTorrent so we can download stuff and share files between all of us. The hard drives on it were full today, so I had the trouble of clearing them out. Luckily Ubuntu has a sexy little disk usage analyzer, which actually works across the network to the shared folders on the Windows server. This meant I could just look at the large folders and delete files from them. Easy peasy.
I was even able to move and delete the files remotely from Ubuntu.

I encountered a few problems today. Mostly to do with calendars and contacts on my iPhone. All of my calendars and contacts were synced with Outlook via iTunes. Now I want to sync these with my Google account. I've found a new service called NeuvaSync (beta), that lets me do this over the air. Trouble is, in order to sync them with a new account I have to clear them from my phone for some reason. This isn't something I really want to do because I like having my contacts in my phone, and I don't want to have to put them in again by hand. Sod that. I'll wait to see if another solution presents itself

I've just received an email from my uni saying that we're in the running for the ATOS Origin prize for best project group. Happy times for us :). We have to do a presentation on Friday about our project, and it has to be done on PowerPoint. I'm hoping one of the guys in my group will be able to do the presentation so I don't have to touch Windows ;)

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