A Small FM Transmitter With Loop Antenna | RF Circuits

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Small FM Transmitter With Loop Antenna

This small Low Power FM transmitter with Onboard Magnetic Loop Antenna that designed by Radio Morningstar. It's suitable for home fm broadcasting. As seen on YouTube Page.

This is the PCB board layout for a small LPFM transmitter that i'l showed on Youtube. This new design is even more powerfull, using 4 instead of 2 transistors. The range will go up to 2 kilometers or even 4 - 7 km using een external twinlead fed 300 ohm folded dipol antenne. Or use just 2 transistors for less range using a 100 Ohm Emitor resister instead of the 33 Ohm for lower battery consumption.

Take good notice by placing the transistors , for the BF 199 the connections are 1 Basis 2 Emittor 3 Collector. One set transistors is placed 180 degrees backward , be sure all the collectors are connected at the antenna loop.
Visit Radio MorningStar

PCB Layout with components :

The PCB Layout , print this 10 x 15 cm on your printer to get the right printfolie for exposing your PCM material:

The component's silkscreen:

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