Adjustable FM Band Pass Filter | RF Circuits

Monday, May 16, 2011

Adjustable FM Band Pass Filter

The Band Pass Filter schematic you find here comes from an old Dutch magazine called Free Radio Magazine and is designed by VEROBB-DX. The filter is build symmetrical and has both IN- and OUPUT impedance of 50 Ohm. So it can be used after each buffer-, driver- or amplifier-stage.

The dimensions of the coils' diameter is the INNER-diameter of the coils!!! Make sure that the coil's end-wire is in a axial line with the coil and is as short as possible. You should use CuAg (Cupper Argentum) wire for the coils, with a diameter of 1,3 mm. The connection between L1 and L2 (same for L4 and L3) is at 1,5 turns of the grounded-side of L2 (same for L3).
This inner-connection determines the overall bandwidth so we advise you to experiment a little.

At a frequency of 105 MHz the attenuation of the filter is less than 1[dB] at a bandwidth of 10 MHz (thus from 100-110 MHz). When going beyond these frequencies the attenuation slides very fast to 30[dB]. The filter is tested with FM transmitter powers up to 35 Watt. If you would like to use this filter with more RF-power, you should use thicker wire. AND you should adjust the length of the coils, because the inductance changes when using thicker wire. (Once again: for best performance experiment, too bad not everyone has the right test/measure equipment (=RF spectrum analyser)). For C2 you should also use a good turnable capacitor from about 100[pF] (Mica Type MT-31 or equal).

The filter should be mounted in a metalbox with shielding plates between every coil (see figure below). C1 and C3 are pass-through-capacitors with minimum capacity (some picoFarads... the less the better). In the figure BNC-connectors are suggested, but of course you can use SO239 (=PL259), or even better: N-connectors, too.

C1,C3 see text
C2 100pF variable ceramix trimmer (see text)

L1,L4 diameter 13[cm], length 16[cm], 4 turns
L2,L3 diameter 6,3[cm], length 13[cm], 4 turns. Visit: Pulsar FM

Continue reading  FM Transmitter Antenna

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