Tuesday, May 31, 2011

More 1934 Transmitter

After some quality table saw time, a bunch of drill press time and eight coats of paint (primer coat, satin black, three coats of wrinkle paint that didn't wrinkle and three more coats that did) I have a wood and aluminum chassis that looks pretty good. The layout is much like the Gross CW-25 but without the buffer stage. In place of the...
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Thursday, May 26, 2011

TV RF Power Amplifier 470-860 MHz with BLW32-33

TV Linear Power Amplifier for 470-860 MHz taken from Philips Aplication Note (AN_BLW32_33). Please download file in PDF format.The Wide-Band UHF Power Amplifier for TV Transposer band IV/V designed with transistor BLW32 and BLW33. In this case, my RF Amplifier design replaced them with 2 pieces BLW34 have good result.Download combine two...
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UHF TV RF Power Amplifier 100W

The TV amplifier has been tuned under class-A small-signal conditions and characterised under large signal class-AB conditions from band IV - V in UHF. (All Datasheets)Amplifier Circuit The total description of the amplifier is given in Figs 6 and 7 and Table 8 (in datasheet). The amplifiers input and output matching networks contain mixed...
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UHF TV Linear Push-Pull Power Amplifier with BLV859

A broadband linear power amplifier design is presented, suitable for application in TV transposers operating in band IV and V (470 to 860 MHz). The design is based on two BLV859 bipolar transistors combined with quadrature hybrids. Typical results at the recommended class-A bias point (25.5 V/9.1 A) for the total module include 40 W peak...
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Broadband UHF Power Amplifier For TV Transposers 3W

A broadband RF power amplifier design is presented, suitable for application in TV transposers, operating in UHF band IV and V (470 - 860) MHz, with simple printed circuit board.The RF power amplifier design is based on a BLW898 bipolar transistor. Typical results at the recommended class-A bias point (25 V/1.1 A) for the total module include...
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TV RF Power Amplifier 14W #2

From #1 TV RF Power Amplifier 14WBIAS CIRCUITBelow is the RF power amplifier's components part list and bias circuit for supply feeding.C1, C2, C4, C5, C6 = 1nF LCC Chip + 10nF LCC ChipC3 = 100µF SpragueC7 = 10µF SpragueD1 = 1N 4001L1, L2 = 5 Turns , Diameter 0.5 mm, W Diameter 3mmP1 = 1k.R1 = 56 ohm/ 1/2WR2 = 5600 ohm, 1/2WR3 = 2.2 ohm,...
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TV RF Power Amplifier 14W #1

This RF power amplifier works in frequency 470 - 860 MHz UHF Band IV and V with power out 14 Watts with input power 1.5 Watts. The power amplifier is suitable for amplifying rf signal your tv transmitter with 0.5 - 2 watts power output.TV Power Amplifier SchematicRF power amplifier circuit is taken from Philips transistor application note,...
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RF Power Amplifer for UHF TV Transmitter #2

MECHANICAL MACHINING OF THE HEATSINKThe raised edges at the top side of the heatsink have been removed because the printed circuit board has a width of 113 mm (see Fig.3). To fit the heatsink to the printed-circuit board the following machinings have been carried out:Rectangular holes of 2.8 mm deep have been mould in the heatsink because...
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RF Power Amplifer for UHF TV Transmitter #1

INTRODUCTION The construction taken from the application report NCO8101 two amplifiers for band 4/5 with BLV57 transistors have been described. Reactions on this report proved the necessity to give more information about the construction of these amplifiers. This construction has been based on a heatsink with a printed-circuit board at the...
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RF Power Amplifier For CATV With BGX881

This RF power amplifier module is a product of Philips Semiconductor, hybrid amplifier module CATV systems operating over frequency range of 40-860 MHz at a voltage supply of 24V DC with features :· Excellent linearity· Extremely low noise· Silicon nitride passivation· Rugged construction· Gold metallization ensures excellent reliability.This...
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UHF Power Amplifier for 440 MHz 30W

This RF power amplifier application works on UHF band frequency 440 Mhz and uses as UHF repeater power amplifier. Power amplifier out 30 watts (5 dB gain) use a single transistor 2SD1434.For driving the amplifier use 10-14 watt input with output power range 30-45 watts. Please see datasheet sample design for 470 MHz (SD1434.pdf) and Amplifier...
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Telemetry Transmitter for Small Animal

The goal of this project was to build a small, cheap, light-weight telemetry transmitter to attach to a small animal. This version uses a commercial, low-power transmitter, the Radiotronix RCT-433-AS. The design worked well, but has a relatively high current draw of about 500 microamps. A CR1620 lithium coin cell runs the circuit for about...
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Wireless Telemetry for Animal Tracking

This project explored the feasibility of creating a cost-effective transmitter receiver pair to replace commercially available 150 MHz devices used in animal telemetry. Distance measurements of test circuits transmitting at 418 MHz were taken over clear ground and in forested areas. These measurements show a range of 300-400 feet in forest...
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Wireless Telemetry System

This project is a multi sensor telemetry system with Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM).This Telemetry System acquires several different sensor inputs, FM modulates each level by manipulating Direct Digital Synthesis increment values, transmits the resulting signal on a commercial FM radio band, and receives and decodes the original sensor...
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Friday, May 20, 2011

500mW FM PLL Transmitter 88-108 MHz

FM transmitters have always been fascinating and one can find thousand examples of them on the internet. Sadly most of them are full of error and miss leading information. Most of them also have low stability and frequency drift, many coils and components which are difficult to find. The output power is often set to several watts with just...
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

VHF Audio Video Transmitter

The circuit presented here is a simple audio video transmitter with a range of 3 to 5 metres. The A/V signal source for the circuit may be a VCR, a satellite receiver or a video game etc. A mixer which also operates as an oscillator at VHF (H) channel 5 TV frequency is amplitude modulated by video signal and mixed with frequency modulation,...
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Video to RF Modulator

This circuit is a RF modulator which can be used for modulating of video signals. The P1 controls the Light and the P2 controls the contrast of video signal. The RF modulated output signal can be received on the VHF band (about 189 MHz). Note that the circuit don't modulate the audio signal of the pictures.See more : Audio Video Distribution...
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Accurate LC Meter

This is one of the most accurate and simplest LC inductance / capacitance Meters that one can find, yet one that you can easily build yourself. This LC Meter allows to measure incredibly small inductances starting from 10nH to 1000nH, 1uH to 1000uH, 1mH to 100mH and capacitance from 0.1pF up to 900nF. LC Meter's circuit uses an auto ranging...
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1W RF Power Amplifier For FM

This RF Power Amplifier is used for boosting small fm transmiters and bugs. It use two Philips 2N4427 and its power is about 1Watt. At the output you can drive any power amplifier with BGY133 or BLY87 and so on. Its power supply has to give 500mA current at 12 Volts.More voltage can boost the distance but the transistors will be burned much...
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HI - FI Stereo FM Transmitter

Whether you want to create your own radio station, transmit the music around the house, or simply create a wireless link between your iPod and a receiver in your car, this transmitter will let you do these things easily. With BA1404 HI-FI Stereo transmitter you will be able to transmit MP3 music from your iPod, computer, discman, walkman,...
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