What are these lines I wonder.....? | RF Circuits

Monday, August 5, 2013

What are these lines I wonder.....?

10 metre WSPR 5th August 2011

I noticed the 10metre beacons were a bit active this morning, first I heard F5ZWE/B (10:13utc) RST 549 , followed by I0KNQ/B (10:18utc) RST 428.

Then I had to go QRT for a few hours

Later in the afternoon I set up WSPR on 10 metres to see if there was anybody about, given the beacon reception this morning.

As luck would have it, on what seemed a completely quiet band ......
the following were put in the log..

 2011-08-05 15:44  MW0MJB  28.126109  -22  1  IO71lu  1  CN8LI  IM63nx  1993  185 
 2011-08-05 17:32  MW0MJB  28.126131  -26  0  IO71lu  1  CT1JTQ  IM57ma  1678  192 
 2011-08-05 16:26  MW0MJB  28.126094  -24  0  IO71lu  1  OK/AD6XP  JN89ff  1541  92 
 2011-08-05 18:28  MW0MJB  28.126082  -27  0  IO71lu  1  DL2ZQ  JO42vj  1013  81 
 2011-08-05 18:16  MW0MJB  28.126103  -13  -1  IO71lu  1  DK6UG  JN49cm  967  100 
 2011-08-05 18:16  MW0MJB  28.126079  -26  0  IO71lu  1  DL8BBY  JO43jb  945  76 
 2011-08-05 20:28  MW0MJB  28.126090  -14  0  IO71lu  1  G3THQ  IO91un  329  94 

Beacon 28.242,7 MHz
Loc : JN02tw
FOIX alt 1205 m asl
What are these lines I wonder.....?
I noticed on the WSPR graph this curved trace....is this caused by aeroplane scatter?

I don't know enough about what the WSPR graph represents, perhaps someone can explain what these lines are exactly...

There is a transatlantic flight path just to the North of my QTH ...I wonder if that has something to do with the  unusual WSPR trace...

73 fer now 

Mark  MW0MJB

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