Back up and running again, apologies been away for a bit. | RF Circuits

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Back up and running again, apologies been away for a bit.

After not been able to do anything radio for a while I'm back up and running again.

Last w/e I put in an entry to the BERU contest (Google for RSGB BERU) using a very limited setup. I now commute on the train to work, about 90 mins each way, so finding time to do some research on the latest projects.
Lots of QEX issues unopened!

Bit of a backlog of things that need to melt solder on but should have those out of the way soo and then will be ready for a new shack in May.

Thinking about an island trip for RSGB IOTA in July 2011 so if anyone has any suggestions all ears.

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