Testing another antenna on the beach as well as using the trusty W3EDP on 80m.
Am building a /P DX trip rotatable wire 2 el vertical beam for 15/17/20m using 12m fishing pole using an IP56 ABS box to hold the balun, feeder etc and a cross member made from a couple sections of 5m fishing poles. It was a bit windy yesterday and I lost my reference buddipole as it blew over and managed to snap the whips off (again!)
Managed a nice chat with EI4IT, who was /P also in Donegal about the Lough Erne Rally 11 April. As MI5MTC said:
News item for RSGB news on Sunday 14 February 2010
Rev. George Dobbs, G3RJV is the world’s best known QRP enthusiast. He will attend a major QRP display at the Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club Rally on Sunday 11 April.
Graham Firth, G3MFI, who is another listed in the International QRP Hall of Fame, is bringing the entire G-QRP Club stall, with lots of interest for low-power radio amateurs, and those intrigued by building their own rigs. Graham will also tour the Erne’s historic Second World War flying boat sites in the Battle of the Atlantic . On a second QRP table, Dom Baines M1KTA will display home-built kits, receivers, transmitters and accessories, similar to his very popular exhibition at the recent GQRP Convention. This will be another excellent opportunity to examine, ask questions and get expert advice from a master kit-builder.
A third display will be set up by Brendan Minish EI6IZ, from the Mayo Radio Experimenters Network. His will feature top quality Elecraft QRP kits from the USA , with much good advice from Brendan for novice and experienced kit builders alike. Along side he will have Elecraft’s latest high power K3 kit to build your own rig to standards of quality that match the best on the amateur radio market.
So, for all radio amateurs and experimenters interested in today’s thriving and traditional heart of amateur radio, home construction and low power operation, the place to be on Sunday 11 April has to be the Lough Erne Rally in Fermanagh , Northern Ireland . Details are on the usual rally lists.
Enquiries to Michael Clarke, Mi5MTC, Chairman Lough Erne ARC
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