M1KTA shack almost finished reorganisation | RF Circuits

Monday, February 20, 2012

M1KTA shack almost finished reorganisation

No new builds for a bit as minor problem with shack roof and had to replace some of the felt. Only found problem when started to reorganise. I must have missed the problem when tree came down last year and side swiped the back of the shack. Anyway the roof is done and the internal reorganise is 50% done now so should be back melting solder shortly.

The Yaesu FT897D will be retired (not going to sell as useful rig for IOTA trips) and use one of the two QRP2004 rigs I built as the main station set. FT817ND will remain as /P bicycle rig.

Going to finish the M1KTA version of a phasing rig I had started to blog as well as a HB1A/KX1/Drew Diamond clone , I had the boards with me at GQRP Rishworth. Adding RIT to the SW20+ and building a kit and manhattan FtTuthill80 TCVR.

As I have a 500KHz NoV will be finishing off building a station too.
500KHz RX will be SDR with HB9DRV new SDR-Radio and I'll run a remote server so you can hear/see activity on 500KHz from JO02bd, TX will be DDS based driving a MOSFET. The shack line up of DDS is pretty excessive so going to prune a few but before do that going to do a side -by-side comparison. I recently added a K5BCQ DDS to the line up and going to see which is best for the 500KHz TX (with a 4020 or 4060 divide by 8).

The shack clear out I seem to have managed to sell most of it except the Norcal2030 partial kit (just the things you cannot buy from Digikey et al), PFR-3 and ATS-3 rigs. Will take a lot of the rest not on the blog to CDARC March 7th Rally as will run a GQRP stall with M5CHH this year. Need an ATX based PSU got plenty of units to convert and will have a completed example with me.

Scheduled to build a K1 for someone else as I am a UK Elecraft builder now.

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