Sunday, February 26, 2012

Junkyard Warz Novelty Transmitter by W9QZ

Several month ago I found a great, probably most artistic Glowbugs Radio homebrewer in the WEB - Rick Weber, W9QZ. I've been very impressed, downloaded some beautiful photos of those stylish Rick's HAM-Radio artefacts and, naturally, forget to check this page again - it was my mistake. Take this:Rick:"Junkyard Warz Novelty Project. This is...
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Saturday, February 25, 2012


Recent questions on this on GQRP list about the docs for the setup of a TCVR using a set of boards from Kanga a few years ago... basicalkly starts off with the ONER TX from George Burt GM3OXX> SPRAT has them all...>> SPRAT 45 Pages 4 & 5 ONER TX> SPRAT 53 Pages 4 & 5 ONER VFO> SPRAT 54 Pages 16 & 17 ONER 'IMP' RX> SPRAT 56 Pages 3 ONER changeover and wiring for the whole setup on page 4.>I only...
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Friday, February 24, 2012

Testing Audio Transformers

(Circuit for meter details at bottom)As I am probably daft playing with valves I had to figure out some things for AF transformers and such like.This was written by Brian Clarke VK2GCE and appears (to me anyway) to be the clearest description of how to do it with minimal kit. My notes in bold after each section.Testing audio transformers©...
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

RF Amp

Most of my 30s vintage transmitters are in the 10-20 watt range. It would be fun to have a little more power, especially with my 10 watt Meissner Signal Shifter / VFO. According to the specs two Taylor TZ20s in push-pull can be driven with 5 watts to about 110 watts input or 85 watt output. This sounds like what I'm looking for.As usual any...
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Second Life of Dead MFM Hard Drives - Iambic Paddle

Just finished my first in life "Instructable" at the D.I.Y. host site instructables. It is short sketch about Iambic Paddle which has been made using a spare parts from the dead MFM HDD drive. I got a lot of fun posting to that site, and I think that it should be good idea to post more detailed article here. Frankly, this homebrew project...
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Monday, February 20, 2012

M1KTA shack almost finished reorganisation

No new builds for a bit as minor problem with shack roof and had to replace some of the felt. Only found problem when started to reorganise. I must have missed the problem when tree came down last year and side swiped the back of the shack. Anyway the roof is done and the internal reorganise is 50% done now so should be back melting solder shortly.The Yaesu FT897D will be retired (not going to sell as useful rig for IOTA trips)...
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Friday, February 17, 2012

Big Nick and the Cydecos - Glowbugs Radio Hide-And-Seek

Today I decided to become (at very last) a real blogger and to invite some celebrities as a trendy stuff. But as it turned out, neither Madonna nor Britney Spears did not make the tube radios, Arnold Schwarzenegger is possible and would do, but too busy at work, and Michael Jackson .. Okay, let's not about sad - the result of my quest was...
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Clearing M1KTA shack of some items

Clearing the M1KTA shack of built kits I am not using to make way for and raising a bit of cash for newer projects so have decided sell a few things, I will sell these at what they cost me, check the respective websites in the list for original details, or do a google search or look on or QRP-L.Please contact me directly via email if interested. My email address in is valid.I'll update this specific blog post...
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Monday, February 13, 2012

6P3 (6П3) Beam Power Tetrode

6L6 vacuum tube has been introduced by Radio Corporation of America in July 1936 and since 1937 it began to be produced in the USSR on equipment provided by RCA. For the first time it was usual metal 6L6 , but later was chosen glass bulb design in order to avoid overheating, so just before the WWII tube factories started to produce 6P3 (6П3)...
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Saturday, February 11, 2012

500kHZ NoV Application Success!

As they say if at first you don't succeed try again.... OfCom have just granted an SRP to M1KTA for 501-504kHz and will be active on the band asap.For those interested my application supporting docs.
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Friday, February 10, 2012

5MHz NoV

My new 5MHz NoV arrived today, I let the old one lapse.So should be QRV on 5MHz again so...
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/P from Snettisham

For those that might have worked me and wondered about the location as different to the one in qrz yes it was me /P from Snettisham yesterday (9th Feb).Testing another antenna on the beach as well as using the trusty W3EDP on 80m.Am building a /P DX trip rotatable wire 2 el vertical beam for 15/17/20m using 12m fishing pole using an IP56 ABS box to hold the balun, feeder etc and a cross member made from a couple sections of 5m...
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Sunday, February 5, 2012

1929 and 1930 Stations

Lots of times questions get asked about what sort of rig to put on the air as a 1929 station. What were hams really using? Do the back page ads in QST really reflect what was on the air?As I went through my old issues of the AWA OTB/Journal I found Bruce Kelley's comments on 1929 equipment in the May 1994 issue. He summarized 1929 and 1930 QSL card information from W1NE. He saw that Hartley oscillators and the 210 dominated the...
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Friday, February 3, 2012


The K-x combines solid photographic performance with a wide array of advanced features at an affordable price. It features PENTAX's innovative in-body Shake Reduction mechanism for sharper blur-free images, 12.4 megapixel CMOS sensor, comprehensive Dust Removal system, HD movie capture and high-speed continuous shooting of approximately...
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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tokyo Hy-Power HL-1.2Kfx High Frequency Linear Amplifier.

The HF Linear Amplifier of choice and operation currently with my Yaesu FT-2K is the Tokyo Hy-Power HL-1.2Kfx which is entirely solid state, has a small foot print, require no-tune, just plug and play.This world-class compact amplifier is the easiest to handle and operate. Main PA section includes 4 high power MOS FET SD2933's.The amplifier's...
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