VHF UHF TV modulator | RF Circuits

Sunday, March 6, 2011

VHF UHF TV modulator

Simple TV Modulator that working on VHF UHF Band, the oscillator generates frequency is modulated with the video signal and the modulated carrier wave thus generated is fed into the TV set's aerial input via a cable.
Then all that remains to do is tune the VHF UHF TV set to the correct frequency.

The harmonics generator converts the oscillator signal into a sort of frequency spectrum containing all the multiples of 27 MHz up to about 1800 MHz. The TV modulator's output signal is made up of a large number of little peaks, each of which is a complete transmitter signal. At least one of these will always be in band I (VHF channels 2. . . 4), one in band III (VHF channels S. . .12) and many of them will be in bands IV and V (UHF channels 21.. .69). More info ...

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