PLL FM Transmitter With BH1415F | RF Circuits

Saturday, March 5, 2011

PLL FM Transmitter With BH1415F

This Stereo FM Transmitter based on BH1415F wireless audio link IC.
Phase Locked Loop controller uses Microchip PIC16F628 and the the PLL frequency programming can be displayed with 8×2 and 16×2 LCD display.The frequency range can adjustable from 88-108 MHz.

See PLL FM Transmitter With BH1415F schematic below

PLL FM Transmitter With BH1415F Component Layout and Printed Circuit Board

The PLL Controller Circuit and controller parts is designed by FREDDOSPAGE.
Download HEX Codes LCD 16x2 LCD 8x2, and here's Swith Board Panel Component Layout - PCB

Parts list of  PLL FM Transmitter With BH1415F
C14,C4,C25 = 3 x 2n2
C15,C5 = 2 x 150p
C10 = 5 x 1µF
C16,C20,C22 = 3 x 10µ
C1 = 1 x 2n7
C9,C12 = 2 x 10n
C2,C7 = 2 x 27pF
C18,C24 = 2 x 100µ
C17 = 1 x 10p
C19 = 1 x 100p
C21 = 1 x 330p
C23 = 1 x 47n
C13 = 1 x 1n
CD1 = 1 x SMV1251
GFWB3 = 1 x (Soshin)
IC1 = 1 x BH1415F
L1 = 1 x 20mH
L3 = 1 x 10µH
L2 = 1 x
P1,P2,P3 = 3 x 10k
Qz1 = 1 x 7,6 MHz
R1,R2 = 2 x 100k
R3,R5 = 2 x 10k
R4 = 1 x 22k
R6 = 1 x 1k5
R8,R7 = 2 x 3k3
R9 = 1 x 100
T1 = 1 x MPSA14

Source: PLL FM Transmitter With BH1415F

See More : Voice Fm Transmitter - Transistor FM Transmitter - Microphone FM Transmitter

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