WA7LAW Field Day 2011 | RF Circuits

Thursday, June 27, 2013

WA7LAW Field Day 2011

Here are some of the WA7LAW Field Day 2011 Photos, at GRID: CN87UW99VR

Paul - KD7EJI
at the Antique 40m CW Station
Unseen to the Right is the GOTA Station
Although, Paul is not the owner of the above Antique Equipment, he is the; owner / operator / program-director, of a micro power Old-Time AM Broadcast Band Radio Station, see: http://www.radio1610.us/.

The Main Operations Tent and Antennas
The main tent was the center of operations, with most antenna connection and operating stations.
A Generator and Solar Cells provided the power.

Outside, a Bar-B-Que and treats were setup for Lunch and late night meals.

Off photo, to the left, are the 2m Talk-in Station, the GOTA Station, the Antique 40m CW Station and several other QRP Stations, each with their own antennas.

In the main tent, cross band interference was a bit of a problem, but many people were working to resolve the issue.
In the Main Tent
Left is the 20m PSK Station
Right is the 40m SSB Station
In the Main Tent
Bob - AD7BP Checking Out the Operation
Left is the 20m SSB Station
Right is the 15m 90w CW Station

Bob - AD7BP
with his Pedestrian 20m Mag Loop
Bob showed me his 20m Mag Loop, I was really impressed, it was easy to tune by listening for max volume, and then the Ft-817 reported a very Low SWR on transmit. The Loop can be turned quickly to maximize the received signal.

Unfortunately, we did not have much time to use or play with the Loop.


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