Sunday, June 30, 2013

2 metre WSPR de MW0MJB

Yagi under the starsTonight was a good night for WSPR on 2 metre.I set the radio up on 144.489Mhz and started up the WSPR software .It took a couple of hours, but finally a report showed up on my screen.I was just about to go outside to observe the stars, when I happened to look over at the laptop.There on the screen I could see the callsign...
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Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Fellow Blogger

Several year ago, I met a fellow blogger and Ham Radio Operator via the Internet. We have since traded; email, blog comments, and EchoLink conversations.When I first started my struggling Blog, he provided helpful feedback, critique, and most of all, encouragement.He is a prolific writer within his own Blog and has written several Ham Radio related software projects. He has provided the world with much enjoyment and fun to read...
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Thursday, June 27, 2013

WA7LAW Field Day 2011

Here are some of the WA7LAW Field Day 2011 Photos, at GRID: CN87UW99VRPaul - KD7EJIat the Antique 40m CW StationUnseen to the Right is the GOTA StationAlthough, Paul is not the owner of the above Antique Equipment, he is the; owner / operator / program-director, of a micro power Old-Time AM Broadcast Band Radio Station, see:
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Monday, June 24, 2013

TS-180S Repair - Part 4 - That's More Like It!

Great progress to report, and more dead bits!The frequency counter unit is now working properly.The two DC-coupled "front end" transistors in the 40MHz amplifier section were suspected as being faulty and were replaced. No exact replacements or direct equivalents were to hand, but looking at the specifications of the original units (2SC460)...
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Friday, June 21, 2013

The Drive Cycle Reset for the OBD

While running errands and trying to find a place to "Drive Cycle Reset" my VAN's On Board Diagnostic Computer (OBD) today (see previous post), I drove East along the Mountain Loop Highway, which is just North of Mt Pilchuck. Of course Mt Pilchuck is my favorite QRP Operation site (see previous posts).Today was a really nice day, the first...
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Slave to a Computer

It all started several months ago, I took my VAN to my favorite Auto Shop for an Oil-Change and Tune-Up if and as necessary. All was OK, only an Oil-Change was necessary.A few days after the Oil-Change, the dash board Engine Service Light came on. Worried that something major was wrong, I called the Auto Shop for another diagnostic appointment. They could squeeze me in on the following Monday.Unfortunately, I forgot the appointment....
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

SRC Mobile update

Although HF conditions in my opinion have not been too good lately, I have now had a little time to evaluate the SRC mobile whip.It certainly appears to be a robust enough antenna physically and it looks well made. Using my LDG auto ATU I can now tune all bands from 80 to 10 metres. The antenna seems quite lively on receive, within the first few days of using it and under poor conditions I worked a DL station on 20 metres, he...
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Thursday, June 13, 2013

TS-180S Repair Part 3 : Recovery in progress, but the Body Count is Increasing ...

I am aware that it has been a while since my last update on this subject, but work has been progressing quietly in the background as my limited free time has allowed. At least once careful consideration was given to this old lady "becoming a projectile", or to be more serious whether a time was approaching when I would could my losses and...
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Wednesday, June 12, 2013


My VHF QSO Party (See previous post) - ResultsThese are from my location on Green Mountain, Grid: CN98 at 3000 feet.As far as I know, only I and one other station (W7MRG) were located within Grid CN98.18:45Z 50.125 N7XS CN8719:??Z 50.132 WA7JTM DM46 ( my only DX )19:50Z 50.125 K7CW CN8720:20Z 50.125 WB7BST CN8720:44Z 50125 WA7TZY CN8720:45Z 50.125 W7MRG CN98 ( about 500' below on the same mountain )20:57Z 50.125...
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Tuesday, June 11, 2013


For June 2011, ARRL VHF QSO PartyStation: FT-817ND6m - 5 watts into a 110 inch Virtical on top of my VAN2m - 5 watts into 5/8 Virtical on VANPrimary Operating Location: Location: out and click on map to see great circle route...
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Friday, June 7, 2013

Blog Photos Drop-Shadows

For as long as I have been writing web pages, I have always wanted a easy-to-use Drop-Shadow routine for my included images and photos. I had considered modifying the photos to include the shadow, but that pollutes the photo archives for other uses. Also, modifying the photos means that any photo downloaded or expanded (into another...
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