Some Experiences
I have checked Mitsubishi Catalogue and found it is 175 Mhz(ft), 3W input - output 30W(at 13.5Vcc), Gp10dB. I reffered Linear Amplifier Hand Book for deciding capacitors and coils. I made PCB with cutting by cutter knife and removing by heat with solder tool.
After mounted all parts on the board, I tried to adjust SWR for input.
Connect SWR meter between rig and linear amplifier and connect 50 ohm dummy load. Without power source for linear amplifier, I have to adjust SWR as it becomes lower (at least less than 1.5).
With adjusting TC, I could get about 20 Watt. And then I connected Omron Relay (G5V2) for input/output circuit and I adjusted again, after that I noticed power was less about 10W-12W.
I tried to adjust SWR to be 1.0 by changing coils. I have changed input/output coils from 2 turns to 3 turns and I could get SWR 1.0. After I got SWR 1.0, output power becomes about 25Watts but moduration was not good and seems self oscillation. I have changed input ATT with 6dB and after that moduration becomes good with 20W output.
Author: JO1ACW
Website: http://www.geocities.co.jp/Technopolis/7222
With adjusting TC, I could get about 20 Watt. And then I connected Omron Relay (G5V2) for input/output circuit and I adjusted again, after that I noticed power was less about 10W-12W.
I tried to adjust SWR to be 1.0 by changing coils. I have changed input/output coils from 2 turns to 3 turns and I could get SWR 1.0. After I got SWR 1.0, output power becomes about 25Watts but moduration was not good and seems self oscillation. I have changed input ATT with 6dB and after that moduration becomes good with 20W output.
Author: JO1ACW
Website: http://www.geocities.co.jp/Technopolis/7222
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