Softrock40 posting | RF Circuits

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Softrock40 posting

This might explain a bit more what Simon was looking for initially and why.

I will be helping Simon with some of the technical /hardware aspects of the use
of Softrocks, and I mean those with static and Si570 LO so V6.2 Lite RX, V6.3
RXTX and V9.0 RX versions initially with the SDR-Radio software on different
platforms (there will never be a Linux version of SDR-Radio - It is better to
write a piece of software that works well on one operating sustem that average
or not at all on many).
To save time and answering questions about it more than
once please do not expect TX support in the current releases as it will not be
available until end of May 2010 at the earliest.



--- In, "Simon HB9DRV" wrote:
> Hi All,
> Together with M1KTA I'm getting ready to make a kit with USB
> support. To help me avoid as many errors as possible, I would like
> information shown using PE0FKO's configuration utility.
> If you have this from I would
> like to know the information shown on the first page:
> Manufacturer:
> Product: DG8SAW-I2C
> Serial number: PE0FKO-2.0
> Hoping for a kit on Sunday if you're good :)
> Simon Brown begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting, HB9DRV

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