Friday, March 30, 2012

USB devices and Amateur Radio

I am sure that this is a going to be a bit of fun.If you have worked with USB at all you might know that if you build a device with a USB interface you will quickly discover one of the requirements of the USB device/interface is to be able to identify itself so M$ OS (or some other) can load the appropriate driver to get it to work, so you can send and receive data through it. If you are just building something for yourself at...
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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Radio Girl

Occasionally found this Radio Girl album browsing the web, I knew that it is slightly offtopic here in this blog, but I have to post it anyway. It is soft acoustic rock music by Nick Wilkinson, naive young guitar dancing around the vintage radio set, maybe too sappy, but it is exactly as I like. And look at cover art - how could I resist,...
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Softrock40 posting

This might explain a bit more what Simon was looking for initially and why. will be helping Simon with some of the technical /hardware aspects of the useof Softrocks, and I mean those with static and Si570 LO so V6.2 Lite RX, V6.3RXTX and V9.0 RX versions initially with the SDR-Radio software on differentplatforms (there will never be a Linux version of SDR-Radio...
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Softrock USB information

I put this up as a place holder...The USB driver, and then any SDR software, whatever is being used should be looking for some things to identify a USB device and the Firmware on the AVR in a Softrock will also provide these....In the AVR code the sections are;#define USB_CFG_VENDOR_ID 0xc0, 0x16 /* 5824 in dec, stands for VOTI *//* USB vendor ID for the device, low byte first. If you have registered your* own Vendor ID,...
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

National TRM 56 MC Transceiver

Last week I acquired a 30's vintage National 56 MC transceiver. Read about this model on my web site at . The TRM and the wooden cased TRW were two of the first commercially available VHF radios. At only 6"x6"x7.5" and 8.5 pounds it is amazingly heavy for it's size. The two special National...
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New SDR TRX from Tony Parks (Beta Build)

The step by step build will be documented here ...The empty PCB of the new TRX, note the isolation of the USB/Si570 from the RF on TRX boardThe build process loosely follows (photos and details to be inserted):Inventory the kitBuild and test the 12, 5 and 3.3 Vdc power suppliesBuild and test the USBBuild and test the Si570 Local OscillatorBuild...
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Linux - R.I.P.

Here we go again, another anti-Linux rant ...Well not _exactly_, but here is an illustration of how "naff" Linux is to a long-time Microsoft DOS/Windows user :-When I set out to learn about Linux, I had two objectives. The first objective was to learn about Linux, obviously.The second was to run a web server (ie host web sites on my own equipment in my own home).Both of these objectives were achieved up to a point, but when it...
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OK so you have a Laptop or PC, Softrock SDR and Antenna what next...

OK so I have a Laptop or PC, Softrock SDR hardware and an antenna what next...???This post is a place holder for me really.The latest series of SDR Softrocks use Si570 USB control and I've been asked to document exactly what is required for someone starting off from a new laptop or PC and they have either built their own Softrock (V6.3 TRX or V9.0 RX) or got someone else to build it for them (I do build these for others in nice...
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Elecraft K1 Build

I'm doing a build for someone else and the box just arrived. I will, with their permission post the odd photo and comments to the bl...
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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Another Swapmeet Find

Here's something that I keep around to show visitors that hams really did build the transmitters described in QST. Take a look at my version of George Grammer's push-pull TNT transmitter. This one here is a lot worse for wear but it is recognizab...
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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Building A Vintage 1929 Style Transmitter - Best HOWTO

Yes, Best HOWTO Ever, but not mine - hats off to Steve VE7SL. I've found this great article reading the Glowbugs mail list and I have to post it here because this article is a pure gem. Even if you never did it before, after the reading of this article you can to, you have to make your first TNT or Hartley transmitter and trust me - it is...
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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

BERU 2010

Well the loss of the tall supports didn't stop me (M1KTA) entering RSGB BERU contest as strung up a low (centre 20ft AGL) inverted V dipole for 40m and 10m.And managed some qso on 15m :-) none on 10m though.So far it's 7pm and went qrt at 5:30pm to make some food and even though took over a hour at lunch too I have almost hit the same qso score as last year and in less than half the time! Dropped the qrp though as was getting...
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Monday, March 12, 2012

Sterba Curtain - continued...

Rats... was looking good then one of the end supports just failed terminally when I tried to tension and now it tops out at only 20ft AGL. I don't think bottom at 3 feet AGL will work!Raining so off indoors for tea and and rethink. Maybe could use three 10m fishing poles to support the antenna between the phasing lines? Obviously too much weight to hope two will support the lot as they are too bendy. This is after all only temporary.Maybe...
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Sterba Curtain for 10m and 15m (BERU contest)

From GQRP list....On 11 March 2010 18:46, Richard Constantine wrote:> Hows About a picture of it Dom? Should really up your erp.> Richard G3UGFSo here is the blog post.Hi Richard,When it is up I will post to blog photos and the build bits too.The design was lifted right out of the ARRL Wire Antenna Classics and is by K1TN from QST, October 1991, Chapter 6 (6-9)The first thing to do was to make up the top section and make...
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Sunday, March 11, 2012

New Softrock TXRX kit from Tony Parks

Tony posted info on the design to softrock yahoo group. first things first... public apology to Tony as I hit post not save as this should have waited a while but Tony has said fine to blog this and my build.The Ensemble combines the V6.3 RXTX, PA/Filter kit and USB Interface on a single...
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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Swapmeet Find

Every once and a while over the years I've picked an item at a swapmeet just because it was interesting and if it could talk would have a story to share.Here's one. I don't remember when or where I got it but probably at a central Texas swapmeet a few years ago. Some one on a budget wanted to get into ham radio. The local trash heap contributed...
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Friday, March 9, 2012

Another SDR CDARC Rally question...

> Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 10:39 AM> Subject: SDR at CDARC Rally> Just wondering if you could let me know which model> Softrock kit it was that you had at the G-QRP stand at the> CDARC rally at Wood> Green this past weekend?>> best regards> Lawrence M0LCMLawrence,The setup was mine....KB9YIG Softrock V9.0 Lite with manual 80/40m LPF with V1.4 (V.OLD!) usb control software for the Si570 CMOS DDS....
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SDR Rx with a Valve Tx in a contest how?

I demo'd SDR at CDARC rally at w/e and mentioned using an SDR Rx with an old TX and was posed this question by email just now:> Hello> Dominic,>> I'm sure that you had thousands of discussions with people at the Wood Green Rally on Sunday;> however, you were telling me that you were planning to use a SoftRock SDR (possibly)> receiver with a valve transmitter for contests, etc.>> How are you planning to...
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QRP ARCI 72 Component Challange

Was planning on going to FDIM 2010 but cannot attend this year.No circuits provided at this stage but I will provide the component counts in [ ] brackets.My ideas are:TX VXO with a small amount of possible variation using a variable capacitor.RX would cover a small mybe 20kHz section using a variable capacitor .TX is a simple vxo mosfet (IRF510 or RD06HHF1) in a colpitts layout [+12] with a minimal lpf [+3] that does double duty...
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This is a rally held by the Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club (GI0LEC Founded 1979) and is close to Enniskillen in Northern Ireland.SUNDAY 11th APRIL 2010Doors open 11.30amSHARE HOLIDAY VILLAGE LISNASKEA at Google Maps for more infoAnyway I was invited by Michael Clarke MI5MTC to visit with a home brew display...

Stopped the sale of shack projects

I have decided to stop selling off project builds now and I am keeping hold of everything until a rally when I can sell them in person as I have had a complete nightmare after selling one of the projects over the internet to someone I believed was capable of finishing it and has demanded I rebuild and re-align it after they hacked about with it themselves to the point where it no longer functions, they melted the pcb connectors...
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Thursday, March 8, 2012

A new SDR TXRX from Tony Parks

Go here
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Ran a GQRP stall at the CDARC rally with Clive (M5CHH) and ran a demo of Simon (HB9DRV) SDR software with a Softrock V9.0 by Tony Parks (KB9YIG) and used a W3EDP antenna. Plenty of interest and was kept busy all rally long. Should have had some kits available for sale... note to myself for next time.Adding the laptop, external speakers, sdr...
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Monday, March 5, 2012

More RF Amp

A push-pull amplifier is two tuning caps, two coils and two tubes right? With all of the support circuitry, the output loading circuit I like and miscellaneous parts and hardware it is starting to look like a real project. Once the drilling is done this one will sit until warm weather returns to Minnesota (maybe May?). I want to paint the...
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Friday, March 2, 2012

Bit OTT - Telescope dew Heater controller

I have started to put the observatory together again and find i need to create a dew heater and controller for the LX90 8" SCT telescope at M1KTA. After some googling I came up with a couple of options and I like one from Don Clements, I had a look in the junk box (!!) and found I had some LM355 temperature sensors.So decided to attempting to build a circuit that will provide automatic control of a heater element (made from simple...
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