The past two days have been such a disaster I thoght it was worth blogging, so others can enjoy my suffering :)
Friday night - Nicki comes up from England
Some notable events:
- Exams went bad for a few people. Drinking ensues...
- Everyone pukes! Well... two people, lots of sick everywhere
Persons who shall remain nameless fall asleep in the bathroom, one with her head in the toilet, the other against the toilet hugger
- "Someone" else made a booty call at 4am! AND kicked said booty call out at 5.30, har har
- I finally get to sleep at 4.30am. Rudely woken at 5.30.
More notable events:
- Work starts... 8.45am. I get up on time!!! In fact am 10 mins early for work
- Supervisor doesn't turn up until 9.45. Manager is ringing, we don't want to answer (we like our supervisor)
- While opening front doors the electric shutter comes down by itself, breaks, and we can't use the front door
- Arsehole customer rings, complains he didn't get some cable in his box, we tell him to come in
- Manager arrives to help fix shutters. Tells me I'm not even supposed to be in today!!!!
- Arsehole customer comes in, royally pisses off our supervisor. Supervisor gets annoyed and tells everyone to fuck off
- Closing up shop, had to move random junkie from back porch
- Closing shutters, live wiring gets caught in shutter, nearly explodes
- Finally get out of work 30 mins late
- Wrote blog, contemplated falling asleep
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