Thursday, August 26, 2010

815 Transmitter Postmortem

After weeks of vacation, etc I finally got back to my 815 transmitter. To recap ... the major mods since the original design shown in the ARRL handbook and my blog entry dated March 19, 2007 have been to 1) add a loading capacitor between one side of the output link and ground 2) Replace R4 with an RFC to a 200-300 VDC supply and 3) replace the 815 screen voltage dropping network R5/R6 with an RFC to a 200-300 VDC supply. The...
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Monday, August 16, 2010

Friday night, followed by Saturday

The past two days have been such a disaster I thoght it was worth blogging, so others can enjoy my suffering :)Friday night - Nicki comes up from EnglandSome notable events:Exams went bad for a few people. Drinking ensues...Everyone pukes! Well... two people, lots of sick everywherePersons who shall remain nameless fall asleep in the bathroom,...
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Why NOT to go with Virgin Media

We've been with Virgin Media for about 10 months. We paid for (up to) 8meg ADSL with unlimited downloads. From the first day we weren't overly impressed with the speed, especially since we can see the BT exchange from our window so range isn't an issue. Nonetheless we put up with what we had.Recently, during the day our speeds have been dropping...
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