Thursday, February 28, 2013

Supplier Of Litz, Litz, Litz And More Litz Wire For Sale

I just got in all my Litz Wire and have the re-spooling and coil winding machine done.I have for sale the following sizes of Litz Wire. To my knowledge I have the largest selection of ready to buy Litz Wire I have seen. The larger sizes are sold in mutable 10 ft. lengths. However any lenght can be custom quoted. You can purchase...
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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Radio Rallies

I attended my first radio rally of 2011 today. Held by the Swansea Amateur Radio Society at the Neath Sports centre.This is not a particularly large rally but it seemed well attended and it was nice to meet up with some friends old and new. One of the highlights for me was meeting fellow blogger and local CW partner MW0IAN, Ian.I came away...
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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wouxun KG- UV920R Dual Band Mobile Transceiver.

Wouxun the Chinese HT manufacturer announced and showcased their first dual band mobile transceiver recently, called the KG - UV920R. It is earmarked for general release around May of 2011 and is said to be the first dual band FM mobile receiver released by a Chinese manufacturer.Reports say that it sports 50 watts on VHF and 40 watts on...
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ESmooth Ebony Wood ES-820EB Headphones.

I have purchase a nice set of ESmooth ES-820EB Ebony Wood headphones which fold up and are great for portable use on the go. Yes and the sound great. The headphone wiring is detachable which gives me the opportunity to upgrade the headphone cable. Features: Ebony wood housingPowerful and deep bass, crisp high response.Natural and warm sound...
read more "ESmooth Ebony Wood ES-820EB Headphones."

A "Doing" Day (in the shed)

A few days ago a Skype message from one of my small group of "Skypees" alerted me to the fact that an equipment failure had occurred. Jim's 30 amp power supply was no more. I was being asked what I thought about a couple of possible replacements, but as I enjoy the challenge of "fixing things", and also generally far too parsimonious to countenance...
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Monday, February 18, 2013

Deep Joy! A New (to me) source of meteor pings!

Tonight, courtesty of a link I found on Andy Smith's excellent TVCOMM web site, a really good list of current Band I (and other) frequencies in use, one of which is used by the Czech Republic. The transmitter is located near Ostrava, and runs at 100kW ERP.I reckoned this to be a good distance for meteor reflections, so I tuned in my receiver...
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My confidence in CW operating is slowly improving. As well as a couple of QSOs with local amateur MW0IAN I have also managed a QSO on 80 metres CW with 2E0ROD in Peterborough. This evening I have some time in the shack and I was going to try a few CQ calls. Switching on the HF rig however I was met with S9 of noise over most of the HF spectrum. Lets hope it is only Temporary, it sounds like some localised electrical QRM.As an...
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Sunday, February 17, 2013

I - Mego Retro Heavy Beats Headphones

I don't seem to have much time to myself these days, so don't have much time to do a full review of these headphones. But I was impressed by the build (no flimsy build here) and the audio quality, so I just had to make a short posting here for people who may not have heard of them. Check them out, take them for a test and you will be happy...
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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ongoing project

The receiver pictured is a Realistic DX150A. Its a general coverage receiver from the late 1960's/Early 1970s. It is a simple, single conversion analogue set covering from Medium wave up to 30 Mhz. I bought it on Ebay as a "spares or repair/not working". Externally the receiver is complete and in good condition although it was quite dirty!When...
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Sunday, February 3, 2013

First Step in CW

Fellow blogger and local Radio amateur MW0IAN drew my attention to a range of frequencies around 3570 on 80 metres where slow(ish) CW QSOs were to be found. I set up my TS830s this evening on that frequency and was monitoring when I heard a very strong station calling CQ. It was none other than MW0IAN himself! Well I had no excuse, he was...
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