Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Quick and cheap dummy load for QRSS/QRP TX

In Belgium and don't have the rest of the homebrew shack with me but needed a dummy load and ability to measure the RF levels so knocked this one together.I grabbed a tiny strip of veroboard and 20 1k 1/4 resistors, 15nF capacitor and a 1N5711 diode.It is 2 sets of 10 x 1K resistors in parallel so 50 ohms. The diode and capacitor follow the...
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Sunday, October 28, 2012

TNT Uncovered - Flea-Power (QRP) Telegraph Transmitter in the Pilot Radio's "Radio Design" magazine, 1930's

I found this article in the Lloyds Dipsy Dumpster - site, where you can find a lot of rare vintage radio articles, manuals and data sheets. It is remarkable, that "Pilot Radio & Tube Corporation", well known as a manufacturer of the great Super-Wasp receivers, was a publisher of a Ham-Radio literature, handbooks and magazines, as well...
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Thursday, October 11, 2012

More 80 Meter Vertical

Beth has commented that I need to get a "Frequent Buyer" card for my local big box hardware store. Since starting on this project I've been making trip after trip to buy yet one more bunch of screws, a particular clamp, a spool of wire, a ..... the list goes on. For a project that started with a $7 set of fiberglass poles this one certainly...
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Was sent this image of a QRSS homebrew build.I then did a double take... it's from ET "Phone Home"...
read more "QRSS HB Build"


just melted solder on t...
read more "QRPLABS QRSS kit"

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Cable-TV Amplifier with 5 Outlets

Here's the design of a cable TV distribution amplifier (CATV). This cable TV distribution amplifier has 5 outlets. This amplifier boosts the TV cable signal with 18dB before the signal is split into 5. The design is based around a MAR-6 MMIC. This Integrated Circuit amplifies DC to 2GHz with about 18dB, uses only 15mA and costs around 4,5...
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