Friday, December 30, 2011

FM Transmitter Antenna 88-108 MHz

IntroductionAntenna is final device for sending any information from your transmitter. In fm transmitter you need signal transmitted to any direction so you need antenna type that transmitted with polarized circularly.  Antenna gain -3.2 dB, bandwith 500 KHz with maximum power handling 500 Watts. In order to use antenna on 88-108 MHz,...
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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Free Radio Nova

Long Live Glorious D-STAR, DRM, SDR, VoIP, DSP, and their Amazing SMT! Long Live Modern HAM-Radio, FairLand of Bells, Whistless and other Adaptive Filters!Heil to the Morse Decoder Software!Voice Keyer is Our Savior! Huray! eQSL!* * *But now.. [drums] But now...* * *SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! Yes, it is Pirate Radio and yes, We...
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

6P7S (6П7С) Sweep Tube

6P7S (6П7С) TV sweep tubes, as their western sisters 6BG6 was used as a horizontal driver in some early black'n'white TV sets. In fact, this tube is not a direct 6BG6 clone, it is an octal modification of G-807 tube, which one was soviet clone of famous 807.Interesting, that both 6P7S and 6BG6 tubes has the same pinout and nearly the same...
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Evergreen Exciter for the Special Night

Several days ago I listened to the completely empty ten meters band. There was a lot of noises, quiet CB chewing and nothing else.Suddenly I heard a slow, quiet, but very clear telegraph code, resembling W1AW QST. I have not heard the beginning, but wrote all heard:..Santa placed tubes on the sockets and lit it. The soft red glow from its...
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Thursday, December 15, 2011

GK-71 (ГК-71) Power Pentode

GK-71 (ГК-71) is a somewhat similar (but not the same) to the famous 813 by RCA. There was another soviet replica of RCA 813 - GU-13.GK-71 (ГК-71) has a narrower frequency range and a slightly less gain than, say, GU-13 tube, but there are some advantages - it was dirt-cheap and has a terrific endurance (resultant of massive graphite anode...
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

1928 Hartley / AWA 1929 B Kelley QSO Party

The past two weekends gave me a chance to get some more operating time on my 1928 Hartley transmitter. These were the weekends of the AWA Bruce Kelley Memorial 1929 QSO Party . The first weekend I used my HRO Sr with the Hartley. On the second weekend I paired my Drake 2B with my Hartley. I had a good time working other '29 transmitters...
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GU-50 (ГУ-50) Power Pentode

GU-50 (ГУ-50, folklore HAM name "poltinnik" meant "half-a-buc") was an universal, most common xUSSR power tube from the 50's up to the present days. It could be found in an every technical shop everywhere and was so inexpensive, in an usual TV-set's tubes price range.So funny, but sockets for those halfbucs was so rare and priced much more....
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50MHz DX'ers

Photo of some 50MHz DX'ers taken at G3WOS, Chris's QTH (2005), hope we will soon meet them again on the magic band in this new solar cyc...
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Monday, December 12, 2011

DRM Schedule valid 25th October 2009 - 27th March 2010

))) DRM SCHEDULEgoogle_protectAndRun("render_ads.js::google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);145 entries UTC Days kHz Beam Target Power Programme ITU Language Site Country 0000-0059 daily 1431 ND Canberra 0.05 MCS AUS English Gungahlin AUS 0000-0200 daily 9690 340 N America 30 REE E Spanish Cariari Costa Rica 0000-0300 daily 177 ND Germany 150 DLR Kultur D German Oranienburg Germany...
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