Monday, February 14, 2011

FET Audio Deviation Limiter

This applicationis a very high specification peak control limiter. It has fast become the essential deviation limiter for FM radio. Audio Limiter is a standard specification in broadcast world. This limiter can be set up as sound processor for fm broadcast.The application divided into two parts :1. Broadband Limiter2. Splitband LimiterActive...
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Monday, February 7, 2011

QRP FYBO Contest

Today I participated in the annual QRP FYBO (Freeze Your B___ Off) contest. See . It happened that we are into a little warm spell after several weeks of below freezing weather. The temperature was 40 at 10AM when I got started, rose to 46 around lunchtime and then dropped into the 30s by the time I got off the...
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Saturday, February 5, 2011

100W Broadband UHF TV Power Amplifier

The TV amplifier has been tuned under class-A small-signal conditions and characterised under large signal class-AB conditions from 470 - 860 MHz. (All Datasheets)Schematic Circuit AmplifierThe total description of the amplifier is given in Figs 6 and 7 and Table 8 (in datasheet). The amplifiers input and output matching networks contain...
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