BBQs and Upstairs Neighbours | RF Circuits

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

BBQs and Upstairs Neighbours

Hi All,

Just a rant about the moron who lives up the stairs from us.

So yesterday we decided "Hey, it's a nice day! Let's get one of those disposable bbqs, get some people together and make an evening of it." So we did, we got some people together, got some food, and fired up the barbie.

The old guy upstairs from us didn't like this. I don't know why he doesn't like us - maybe he was abused as a child, or maybe he's just so close to the grave that he can't stand to see people have fun. Anyway, he stuck his head out the window and told us to put it out or he'd be calling the fire brigade.

Naturally we assumed that no one would be that much of an idiot. Unfortunately we were wrong. Next thing we know four (count em.. 4!!) fire engines are pulling up outside. Just as they were pulling the hoses off the engines and putting on their breathing stuff, we managed to get downstairs and explain the situation. Obviously he'd slightly exagerated the situation to the 999 operator.

Luckily we managed to capture the scene on video

So Mr Upstairs Neighbour, I hope you're happy - you successfully managed to stop our barbeque. I hope you can sleep easy now in the thought that if an orphanage had burned down, all of Edinburgh's fire department were busy dealing with us. I hope they fined your ass for wasting everyones time.

Note: The bbq was eventually extinguished using a small jug of water ;)

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