6P7S (6П7С) Sweep Tube | RF Circuits

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

6P7S (6П7С) Sweep Tube

6P7S Sweep Tube

6P7S (6П7С) TV sweep tubes, as their western sisters 6BG6 was used as a horizontal driver in some early black'n'white TV sets.
In fact, this tube is not a direct 6BG6 clone, it is an octal modification of G-807 tube, which one was soviet clone of famous 807.
Interesting, that both 6P7S and 6BG6 tubes has the same pinout and nearly the same characteristics.

I heard that 6BG6 valves sounds much better than 6P7S in audio devices and that 6P7S is worthless audio tube, much worse than G-807 and 6P3S ones.
At the other hand, I heard that 6P7S has a beautiful clear treble, better than 6P3S. I'm not quite sure - it's just rumors.

As for me, 6P7S is a good choice if you have to put something more powerful than 6P3S (6L6) into the octal socket.
Strangely, but 6P7S tubes are rarely used in HAM-radio (compared with G-807 and 6P3S).


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